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Life is for you

Love yourself, grow and live your talents. (... and help others to do the same.) An inspiring path from modern soul coaching, meditation and the old, healing knowledge of yoga.

Hello, my name is Cecile!

How nice that we share the love for inner and outer growth! We are surrounded by so much life energy and possibilities. As a creative being, you are here to develop and become what you really are in depth. Learn to trust (again) the support of life and to use it - for yourself and others.

I will help you with it:

  • Recognize and share your talents

  • to create real internal and external success

  • To feel meaning and connection

  • to act with self-love

  • to be happy in you and with your body

Let's come together and clear the way for the feeling of being just right in this world. I'm happy for you!

Home: Opening Hours

Free online meditation every month: "NEW MOON - NEW START"

How we can recharge ourselves again and again with meditation and start fresh.

Next date: October 6, 2021 at 8 p.m.

Use the new moon consciously for your new start. You can participate live or have the recording sent to you.

Home: Classes

How I can help you


Individual sessions

​In our private sessions (live or via Zoom) I will share proven techniques from modern coaching, meditation and yoga with you.

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Live and online workshops

I look forward to seeing you live in Berlin or online at one of my workshops on yoga, meditation and coaching.

Yoga Ausbildung Berlin ich Adlerarme.jpg

Self love course

In my self-love course I will teach you how to bring well-being, energy and success into your life with self-love. Are you in?

Home: Classes

“I am very grateful for the soul coaching that I have had with Cécile so far. With various tools she supported me energetically and made me strong, we also went deeper and it was amazing what great effects were achieved. I can recommend it to anyone who feels stagnant or is simply looking for orientation or maybe even after his soul business path in general. Thanks so much!"

„Ich bin sehr dankbar für das Soul Coaching, das ich bisher bei Cécile erfahren habe. Mit verschiedenen Tools hat sie mich energetisch unterstützt und stark gemacht, dabei sind wir auch in die Tiefe gegangen und es war erstaunlich welch tolle Wirkungen erzielt wurden. Ich kann es jedem empfehlen, der sich stagniert fühlt oder einfach Orientierung sucht oder vielleicht auch nach seinem Soul Business-Weg überhaupt. Vielen lieben Dank!“

What others say:

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Do you have any questions?

Yoga teacher training

I will be happy to answer them for you! Write to me and I will get back to you within a few days.

Are you interested in a yoga teacher training course? Then have a look here on my page for training and further education.

Du hast Fragen oder möchtest Infos zu zukünftigen Veranstaltungen? Dann schreib mir hier und ich freue mich, mit Dir in Kontakt zu sein!


Thank you for your message! I'll get back to you soon.

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